„The correct speech development
is the foundation of MAN's education”
M. Sovak
Dear Parents!
We inform that the speech therapy lab operating in our kindergarten can be used free of charge by the children attending our facility. They can make use of all the therapeutic offers free of charge (including the weekly individual meeting with a speech therapist), other clients are served in accordance with the price list suggested.
Speech has an important role to play in social relations of a human being with other people. The ability to communicate with others effectively, that is sending, receiving and fully comprehending verbal messages, is crucial: verbal communication of needs, meeting new people, success at school, functioning within a group, creating permanent emotional bonds all depend on it.
That is why it is necessary to stimulate speech development, as we indeed do in our kindergarten, even at a preschool age, that is at the time of intensive development in all the aspects.
Unfortunately, that development is not always correct. The research conducted as well as the observation of communicative behaviour among preschool children (3-6 years) reveal bigger or smaller irregularities in their speech development.
That is why the need to create and implement the preventive speech therapy programme, fully implemented in our facility, was connected with the current increase in the needs in the surrounding reality concerning the increase in the children who need help in the scope of speech development as well as their own vocational experience.
We are deeply convinced of the important role of prevention in effective and correct use of speech by children at preschool age and conscious of the great opportunities stemming from stimulating the speech centres in children under the age of 6.
Considering the above, speech therapy in our kindergarten is always present and is accomplished in both group and regular individual activities with the children that need the support.
As a result, the following are possible:
- early detection of speech irregularities, speech problems and implementing the necessary corrective measures;
- preventing interdental speech;
- early implementation of corrective and preventive measures in children that reveal specific dysfunctions within the chewing and breathing apparatus;
- covering children that need help in the scope of speech irregularities and defects detected with systematic speech therapy;
- facilitating the process of language communication;
- levelling child's educational opportunities;
- building self-esteem and acceptance, creating positive self-assessment.
Additionally, and as a result of the preventive speech therapy programme your child will:
- participate eagerly in the suggested activities and exercises, being able to focus his/her attention on them;
- do exercises on their own or within a group;
- breathe correctly;
- verticalize his/her tongue and have a flexible speech apparatus;
- swallow correctly;
- achieve therapeutic success in terms of the condition of speech or pronunciation;
- possess rich vocabulary and well developed descriptive speech;
- communicate efficiently with his/her surroundings, express his/her opinions;
- achieve educational success within the scope of his/her skills and abilities*
Wisława Glińska, M.A. speech therapist, preschool teacher
The Non-Public Language Kindergarten "Nad Strumykiem"
* the preventive speech therapy programme as implemented in our facility utilizes the following methods:
- Veronica Sherbourne's Method,
- Good Start Method,
- Bronisław Rocławski's Method,
- Maria Montessori's Method,
- educational kinesiology method.